Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Doors Open Milwaukee

For Doors Open Milwaukee, I decided to attended a location that I wouldn't normally go to.  I visited Old St. Mary's Church on Broadway Street.  The  reason behind the selection of location was to observe the  overwhelming nature the location seemed to possess.  I was interested in being overtaken by all of what surrounded me within each specific space.  When I walked into St. Mary's, I was in the presence of so many paintings on the wall, followed by statues of biblical figures.  I felt very overwhelmed, both physically and visually.  At one point, I even felt an uneasiness and I ended up leaving sooner than I wanted to.  There was such a sense of reverence and quietness that it almost became an atmosphere in which something bad was bound to happen. It was an odd experience to have in a place that it supposed to be holy and peaceful. It was a juxtaposition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Besides being one of the oldest churches in town, it has a remarkable series of bells. Hope you had a chance to here them.