The Original (walk)
Heading down Milwaukee St, I know the route. However, each day it's different; new people, new events. Looking to my left at Catalano Square they're setting up something for tonight.
The hanging plants are swaying back and forth in the breeze today.
Wouldn't all the city enjoy a chance to smell the flowers?
The bus passes by creating a gust of wind.
I feel like people forget that this perfect weather doesn't last all year.
Memories are awaken from the music playing at Coquette Cafe.
I've reached St. Paul by now.
I look at a dog with envy because I miss my own.
He caught my stare and wagged his tail in response. I was allowed to pet him.
I think he helped me more than I helped him.
I come to Clyborn St.
The place where I always know I crossed too soon because there's no pedestrian crossing from the right.
Once approaching Michigan St, to the right I see the ivy taking over near by parking structures.
Captured: Unmarked doors that looks strange amongst all of the office buildings.

Captured: Caution sign indoors for construction.
Around 625 Milwaukee St. I stop to appreciate someone's Random Act of Kindness

After passing Wisconsin Ave. I'm prepared to see more restaurants than I have this whole walk.
I notice some of the new, some of the old on the side of Catch 22

I pass by the Comstock building, the place I now call home.
The journey's half way or more.
I near the stop light and know I can't cross in time.
Although, if I could have I would have missed a bundle of chains I didn't see until it was run over.

Enter MSOE's campus, it seems to be a world on it's own.
Even though it's only blocks away.
An MSOE student glances back at me suspiciously as I walk behind him.
Just before Knapp St. I hear some wind chimes that almost blend in with the building behind them.
This Milwaukee St. journey is about to come to an end.
I pass by mountains of gravel on the right as I make my way towards Water St.
Making my way up Water I notice an upside down sign for future parking.
I hope the future isn't too soon.

A man smiled at me after seeing me snap this photo.
Little does he know he's part of this journey too now.
I walk by an extremely random door, and I've seen a couple of them around the city before.
The green of this one matches so well with the bar behind it.

I observe an old green van that is just filled with card board boxes.

I've now spotted the bridge, but I still need to figure out how to get down.
Trip 2 (bus)
I am now one of the people I called out before.
My one hour journey turned into about 10 minutes because the 11 bus route followed my walking path near perfectly with the exception of turning onto Water St.
Even now that I am alone in this space it feels so different.
The structure feels almost intimidating without my classmates' presence.
The echos from the car overhead are making me uncomfortable.
A car came and circled in the parking lot next to me then slowly parked on the street.
I am leaving.
This experience has been completely different.
I was much more interested in the people getting on and off the bus, unlike the walk there
where the buildings and objects captured my attention.
Trip 3 (bike)
Comparing this one back to my original journey as well, walking is clearly the best way to absorb as much as possible from an environment.
As I rode by bike, I was much more concerned with getting hit by cars or not flipping over my bike.
There's a bit more concentration that goes into biking verses walking.
Walking becomes so natural as one ages.
I could write and walk (kind of) at the same time.
And during both the other journeys that was not nearly as easy.
The bus ride was too bumpy and I sadly can not ride my bike without handle bars.
It's almost shocking how much different these experiences were.
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