#1- The first walk. I was thinking how can I make this different, I walk around this area everyday with my dog. So, I was on a search to find new ways to travel through neighborhoods (this is one reason why I took audio recordings). I really had to try to make it different. Below, is the route that I took. It was a mixture between urban and nature. I did snap a few photographs with my phone; however, I recorded most of my data onto a recorder. After listening to the recording the first time I realized when I was stopped at a cross walk (by hearing idling cars) to traveling through the woods along the bike path. Somethings it captured where: crickets, car horns, conversations, wind, flag whipping in the wind, and so much more.
#2- The early morning is when I left for this walk. Which, in Milwaukee is quite peaceful at 7:00am. Even walking down the street was a peaceful experience. Sure there were cars on the main streets like Water St; however, when I reached some neighborhood areas it was quite. You could hear the birds, leaves, and crickets. An interesting part of it was is I could see everyone running out to their cars for work. I even saw one gentleman take three trips to the car before leaving for work. Another thing I realized is the streets are bare. Wide open. Empty. The meters were blinking waiting to be fed coins.
#3- A late night walk. I had my flash light ready to trek through the woods. But, when I got to the path I couldn't travel my usual route. It was blocked off with police tape etc. Later, when I watch the news they discovered a dead body. Really creepy. So, I had to route around my path along the river to the pedestrian bridge. To be honest it would of been a very different experience walking along the river at night. Your imagination would get the best of you etc. Sure, I had to change my route. I simply thought of it as a detour.

In the end, it was a great way to try and change my everyday walk around the city. I combined routes and tried listening to my surroundings. The interesting thing was that I could always hear and smell nature and the city together.
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