Our drawing was constructed by randomly chosing cars to follow. Once we started to follow a car, we trailed it until it reached its destination. At that point we picked a new car to follow. The first car took us from MIAD to an apartment near UWM. The next car we followed turned a corner and parked. The next car took us to a parking lot on the corner of Plankinton Ave and Kilbourn Ave. Our final car led us to the Aurora West Allis Medical Center on Lincoln Ave. In our car we discussed if the lead car's driver knew we were following him or her. In addition, we hypothesized what his or hers destination was.

Our return trip to MIAD was significantly different than our original drawing. This inspires questions about "the journey" one chooses to take to a destination. How does one select a route? How do we navigate? Major influences include but are not limited to: available modes of transportation, access to technology, environmental factors, time, aesthetics, knowledge, preference, and personal experience. While navigation is not uniquely human, our relationship with choice and travel is.
Navigation has evolved from hardwired survival instincts into an amalgamation of complex components embodying individualism.